Monday, February 8, 2010

Thank goodness for elastic waistbands!

So, it's been about four full days of eating now. I am a little apprehensive to step on the scales. Maybe later today after a run...

This is the first real meal we had on Friday for lunch: baked fish with mushroom soup sauce, baked beans with bacon, macaroni and cheese, and mashed potatoes. Please ignore all the cheese and crackers that were consumed in the late morning, plus all the homemade cookies that call to us in our sleep.

Things are good so far on our reunion tour here in Wisconsin. We have seen most of Joan's family up here in Portage and have plans to see more.

We got together with our old Madison group of friends at Karen and Thor's house. Pat Burke and family did not make a photo op for some reason. We had lovely cheese and snacks and lots of good Wisconsin beer (New Glarus, especially!)

Joan's college roommate, Laura Gillis, drove down from Green Bay to meet up with another college roomie, Michelle Gigot.

Mike Doughtery and new bride, Rocio, are back from Guatemala, and it was muy bueno to see them!

Last but not least was Clarence Olsen and his wife, Louise. Clarence was the Scout Master of the troop where I was Assistant Scout Master back in 99-00.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Eagles Have Landed!

Well, after a 23-hour door to door trip, we have made it to Joan's mother's house. The flight from Tokyo to Dallas/Ft. Worth went well, as did the puddle jumper to Madison. It was interesting to observe the change in the mix of people as the trip progressed. In our area, it is fairly rare to see a foreigner (who we don't already know). At Narita airport, it was still most Japanese but with a healthy international mix. At our gate, it became much more American with a lot of military folks flying home from all over Asia. Then Dallas - wow. Texas is something else: lots of cowboy boots with hair, fur, skin, and scale still attached. It is always strange to come back to one's country after being away for awhile.

Dorothy met us at the airport, along with some Madison friends, Karen and Thor. While it has been almost 11 months, it really doesn't feel like we have been gone that long. It is weird: it feels like both a long time and a short time. Dorothy had driven down our Honda Fit, so we loaded up and hit the road. I was a little concerned about driving since Japan drives on the "wrong" side, but since I don't drive in Japan, it came right back.

Dorothy has already been feeding us way too much! In less that 24 hours, I feel like I have already gained weight... The seemingly endless supply of homemade cookies is not helping things. I have been looking forward to some good beer; however, there was only a classic in the fridge!

Gooby, our cat, looks good and seems to at least tolerate our affections, if not actually remember us. She slept with us last night, and that was great!

We will keep you posted as to where we will be when!

Mata ne! (See you later!)