I played badminton as a kid in England and then took a number of classes in college (one of the deans was a former Olympian), so I know my way around a birdie and racquet. Also, when Joan was in grad school, I played with a large group of international folks on Friday nights and Sunday mornings. I wasn't the worst player of the 30 or so people, but I was the only American.
Yet it has been seven years since I played serious, and wow, am I rusty! It is really frustrating, but I think it will start to come back. I also realized that the strings on my racquet are also seven years old and have lost some of their 'snap.' I took it to "Racquet Shop Fuji" over in Kichijoji on Friday and paid 2,200 yen (approx. $20) to have it restrung. I am hoping that the new strings will compensate for everything else.
To help me remeber their names, I took photos of some of the guys with their names. I am having the hardest time remember Japanese names, especially the men! I put them in this entry just for the heck of it. Aren't they a handsome lot?
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