Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day two of teaching

Things are looking good!  My Econ students warmed up a little bit today, and my IR students were very 'genki.'  We talked about them going to America next semester and how important their English ability will be.  I gave them some examples of how Americans talk in a casual setting, and their jaws hit the floor when they heard it...

In my communication class, an elective one, I had 11 students come to sign up for class. Unfortunately, their levels range from almost fluent to pretty basic.  I think I may have to cut some students, which could lower the number to seven.  Luckily, I have complete autonomy in my class, but it is still a pretty small class.  I'll to talk to my vice director tomorrow and see what she thinks.

I meet with my lower level communication class on Friday.  I plan to focus the class on Freshman and other students who are going to America next semester.  I guess it all depends on who actually shows up to sign up for the class...

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